“Church” is more than buildings and mortar. The church is PEOPLE who strive to learn more about the God who made us and then take faith and knowledge and put it into action. That action is in the form of Jesus’ commission to “go into all the world and make disciples…” It’s the work of the church — people — to put programs in place that facilitate doing just that.
Pine Grove United Methodist Church realizes that its members are busy people, many working, virtually all having family or school responsibilities. Realizing that time is limited the church has put together a series of study groups to equip its people to become active disciples of the Christ we all worship.
CHILDREN AND YOUTH (Class Begins at 9:30)
Pine Grove has offered Sunday morning classes for children from crib nursery through youth, the objective of which is to teach Bible stories and how to apply those stories in daily living. Following the COVID-19 quarantine, we are looking to rebuild our children’s opportunities. If you would like to be a part of a dynamic children’s ministry, please contact the church office, 336.765.2569.
Friendship and Willing Workers Sunday School Class
The Friendship of Willing Workers meet both in the room across from the Library and online via zoom beginning at 9:15 AM. The teachers are Betty Bell and Peggy Williams with each teaching a month at a time. They usually use the Cokesbury Adult Bible Study Literature and enjoy the great lessons with great discussion and participation. They also use special studies during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
The purpose of this group is simple — to help members develop a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and to grow in the knowledge of His will through the study of His word. Interests are as varied as ages.
Fellowship starts as soon as the first person arrives, followed by devotional and prayer times. We follow up to determine who’s missing and why followed by our lesson and a closing prayer. How can it get much better than that?
marrieds, singles, men, and women. Our purpose is to engage in fellowship, learn about God and Jesus, and become the best Disciples we can possibly be. Our studies are varied as are our study types. We sometimes study from a book or other literature and sometimes do a “deep dive” into a part of the Bible of interest to the class. We’re a congenial group. Our class sits around a table. We study, learn, discuss and pray together.
Classes begin with fellowship time, completing with the lesson for the day. We don’t forget to include discussion about missions we support or whether we need to reach out to someone needing help. The class has genuine love for each other and for God’s community.
Searchers Sunday School Class
The Searchers Class is named after their mission: “Searching for answers to the truths of the Word and the world.” This class uses the Cokesbury Adult Bible Study curriculum as well as a variety of other Christian media and resources to aid in digging deeper into God’s Word. This community of “mature” adult believers is eager to show its love for God through its work in numerous charity organizations; visitation of shut-ins, and intercessory prayer. All people in all stages of life are welcome to this fun-loving group of Christians.